ARIS 3.0 Help Center
The Help Center
Welcome Stranger!
In case of anything please contact ARIS 3.0 Support team via our support line:
- 0658 394 534
- 0734 313 265
- 0742 094 718
- 0692 512 396
- 0692 512 298
Welcome to ARIS 3.0. ARIS stands for Academic Registration Information System.
ARIS 3.0 is used only by staff and students from University of Dar es Salaam.
Are you a Student?
If you're the Student of the University of Dar es Salaam, you should have the Registration Number that looks something like this: yyyy-0x-abcde (Example: 2024-04-41214); which is your unique identification number which you're going to use to register your ARIS 3.0 account.
By this time, your admission information from the UDSM Admission Office should already been preloaded in ARIS 3.0 for you to start creating your user account
How to set up a Student Account
In order to set up ARIS 3.0 student account; you'll have to follow the following steps:
- On the login page, click the Sign Up button, and then, the signing up form will appear
- On the
Account type
field, choose Student Account, then a student search field will appear below it - On the
Student search
field, type your full Registration Number correctly: then your names and other few details will appear just below. Select your name by clicking on it. If your name does NOT appear, then it's either your details from UDSM Admission office have NOT been loaded into the system, or you've already had ARIS 3.0 account - Your Details such as names, phone number and email will be pre-filled into respective fields.
- Please verify your information to be correct and active before you proceed any further. If NOT Please DO NOT proceed with registration and contact ARIS Coordinator's office for further assistance. Otherwise, you may proceed with the following steps
- On
field, your Registration Number will be prefilled for you - On
field, type your strong and secured password - Repeat your password on
repeat password
field - On
field, Please verify if it is a correct one, otherwise, change it and set the correct one - On
Mobile Number
field, Please verify if it is a correct one, otherwise, change it and set the correct one - Please read the terms of services before checking to accept
- After accepting the terms of service, click the
button below - ARIS 3.0 will flash green to indicate a successful process.
- You MUST log in to your email address (the one used to register ARIS 3.0 account), there you'll find a welcome email from ARIS 3.0 with an activation link. Please click that link to activate your ARIS 3.0 account. If you didn't get an email, please contact ARIS Coordinator's office for further assistance.
- Done! you can then log in to ARIS 3.0 account on the login page by using your username and password
NB: This registration process is done only ONCE
Are you a Staff?
If you're the staff from University of Dar es Salaam, your bio information from HR's Office will be already preloaded in ARIS 3.0 for you to start creating a user account
How to set up a Staff Account
In order to set up ARIS 3.0 staff account; you'll have to follow the following steps:
- On the login page, click the Sign Up button, and then, the signing up form will appear
- On the
Account type
field, choose Staff Account, then a staff search field will appear below it - On the
staff search
field, try to type your name (preferably your surname): After typing your third letter, an auto suggested list of similar names will appear just below. Select your name by clicking on it. If your name does NOT appear, then it's either your details from HR's office have NOT been loaded into the system, or you've already had ARIS 3.0 account - Your Details such as names, phone number and email will be pre-filled into respective fields.
- Please verify your information to be correct and active before you proceed any further. If NOT Please DO NOT proceed with registration and contact ARIS Coordinator's office for further assistance. Otherwise, you may proceed with the following steps
- On
field, type your email address, or part of it (before @) - On
field, type your strong and secured password - Repeat your password on
repeat password
field - Please read the terms of services before checking to accept
- After accepting the terms of service, click the
button below - ARIS 3.0 will flash green to indicate a successful process.
- You MUST log in to your email address (the one used to register ARIS 3.0 account), there you'll find a welcome email from ARIS 3.0 with an activation link. Please click that link to activate your ARIS 3.0 account. If you didn't get an email, please contact ARIS Coordinator's office for further assistance.
- Done! you can then log in to ARIS 3.0 account on the login page by using your username and password
NB: This registration process is done only ONCE
Are you both a Student and Staff?
If you're both a student and staff from University of Dar es Salaam, you will be identified in ARIS 3.0 as an Hybrid user. Being a hybrid user, will help you to have a single special ARIS 3.0 account that enables you to switch between your Student and Staff account without login out.
How to set up a Hybrid Account
In order to set up ARIS 3.0 hybrid account; you'll need to first set up a Staff account as mentioned in 2a above , then contact ARIS coordinators' office for further verification and configurations.
How to Change or recover a forgotten Password
Password Recovery Process is a four (4) steps procedures stating by clicking the Forgot Password? link on the login page and the Password recovery form 1/4 (User information verification) will appear
- STEP 01: On the Password recovery form, supply your valid Email Address and Phone number as per indicated formats to the Password recovery form 1/4 (User information verification), and click the submit information button
- STEP 02: Login to you email and retrieve a four (4) digits code and supply it the Password recovery form 2/4 ( User Confirmation) and click the Submit code button
- STEP 03: Type your new password and repeat it respectively on the Password recovery form 3/4 (Change Password), then click Reset password button
- STEP 04: The Password Recovered Successfully form 4/4 (New Password acquired) will appear with a green flash to indicate a successful process.
Done! you can then log in to ARIS 3.0 account on the login page by using your username and your new password